The College recognizes that some Engineering students find themselves facing emergency expenses in order to be able to continue with their studies. The College of Engineering Student Emergency Fund is intended to help meet the financial needs of any Michigan Engineering student who encounters an emergency situation or one-time, unusual, or unforeseen expenses during their degree program.
Engineering students who have experienced a recent unexpected emergency or change in circumstances can apply for consideration of direct educational expenses (tuition, fees, room and meals, books, etc.) and/or indirect educational expenses (food, utility bills, medical needs, emergency travel, health insurance, access to technology, etc.).
Please note, any financial assistance (including emergency funds) may be considered taxable income either at the time or receipt or when taxes are filed. Recipients are encouraged to seek advice from a qualified tax professional as needed.
Eligibility Requirements
Undergraduate Students
This scholarship is not intended to supplement a student’s financial aid package, and we cannot award funds beyond what a student’s aid package allows. The scholarship committee will consider all resources a student has available (including student loans) in awarding emergency funds.
Emergency awards are one time awards. While students may receive more that one emergency award during their enrollment, they may not receive additional funding from the College in subsequent semesters due to the same circumstances.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be an undergraduate currently enrolled full-time and pursuing a degree program (or MDDP) in the College of Engineering.
- Apply for and receive need-based support through the Office of Financial Aid.
- Have a FAFSA on file with the Office of Financial Aid (OFA) and must renew their FAFSA annually.
How to Apply
- Complete the CoE Emergency Funding Request Form (an initial review of your financial need via the FAFSA and current financial aid package will be completed once the application is submitted)
- Meet with a member of the Scholarship Office staff to discuss your needs.
Graduate Students
Please note, for students who qualify for need-based financial aid (including the child care subsidy), receipt of this award may reduce the original loan amount or subsidy. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid (OFA) prior to submitting your application for help evaluating your individual circumstance and possible impact to your financial aid.
M.Eng/D.Eng (Emergency Fund)
How to Apply: CoE Emergency Funding Request Form
Rackham Masters and Ph.D. Students
The College of Engineering and Rackham Graduate School collaborate closely to support the emergency funding needs of our students.
How to Apply:
- Master’s or Ph.D students seeking emergency funding support should first complete the Rackham Graduate Student Emergency Funds for consideration. If you have already received a response from Rackham or another unit for this specific request but still have a shortfall or concern, you can return to the CoE Emergency Fund Form for further consideration.
- Ph.D. students seeking internship support (tuition and/or benefits) should apply directly to the Rackham Doctoral Intern Fellowship Program form. (note: students ineligible to receive support from the Rackham Doctoral Intern Fellowship Program should consult with their department/program for further guidance regarding the CoE Doctoral Program Funding and Tuition Support Guidelines and CoE Internship Request Form submission process).
Ph.D. Students (extended time to degree concerns)
Ph.D. students who are near graduation but have experienced critical graduation delays beyond the normal guaranteed funding period due to the COVID-19 pandemic, disruptions related to racial injustice, or abrupt changes to federal policies over the past year should contact their program’s graduate coordinator for more information about extended time to degree support.