Current undergraduate students are encouraged to explore scholarship opportunities offered through the Engineering Scholarship Office as well as additional opportunities within the College of Engineering and the University.
College of Engineering Scholarships
Scholarship opportunities for current students enrolled in the College of Engineering are listed in the menu at left. The following scholarships requiring students to submit an application for consideration:
- The Class of 1931E Scholarships
- College of Engineering Need- and Merit-Based Scholarships
- College of Engineering Industry-Sponsored Scholarships
- Leinweber Software Scholarship
- Wang Chu Chien-Wen Summer Research Awards
- Vulcans Scholarship
CoE Emergency/Special Circumstances Assistance
Each year, the College of Engineering allocates some funding to assist current undergraduate students that experience financial difficulties as a result of emergency situations or special circumstances. Students may experience financial difficulties as a result of changes in the family’s financial situation, unmet financial need in their financial aid package, or unforeseen expenses. To begin the request process, please complete the CoE Emergency Funding Request Form. Students that would like to discuss the possibility of receiving funding for special circumstances should contact the Engineering Scholarship Office at [email protected] or 734-647-7113 to schedule an appointment.
Additional University Scholarship Opportunities
- Alumni Association Scholarships
- CEW+ Scholarships
- Dean Of Students Emergency Funding
- International Center
- Monroe-Brown Internship Program
- Public Service Intern Program (PSIP)
- Rogel China Scholarship
- ROTC-STEM Scholarship
- Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Scholarships
- Telluride House Room and Board Scholarship
Funding for Co-Curricular Involvement
Individual students are able to request funds from the College of Engineering for a variety of reasons including assistance with funding for conferences, special events/programs, and study abroad opportunities. Information and the CoE Individual Funding Form can be found here: